XBR Series
KDL40XBR - $2659 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $3010 (JB Hi-Fi, Macquarie Centre), $3200 (RetraVision, Clifton Hill), $3160 (quoted price, Good Guys, Preston), $3050 (JB HIFI, Camberwell), $3200 (HN, Dandenong)
KDL46XBR - $3172 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $3300 (Good Guys, Brighton, Vic, $3100 after cashback)
KDL52XBR - $4415 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $4500 (Good Guys - Sydney, NSW)
X Series
KDL40X3100 - $2500 + $199 5 Year Warranty (Joyce Mayne - Wallsend)
KDL46X3100 - $2810 (Myer - Bondi Junction), $2971 (Good Guys), $2999 Including 3 Year Warranty (Myer - Brookvale, Sydney), $3000 (JB Hi-Fi - Bundall, GC), $3100 (Display set, DS Powerhouse Springwood
KDL52X3100 - $4300 Including 5 Years Warranty (Bing Lee - Sydney, NSW), $4448 + $152 for 5 Year Warranty (JB Hi-Fi, Parramatta, Sydney)
W Series
KDL40W3100 - $2100 (JB Hi-Fi - Sydney), $2150 (Good Guys - Brown Plains, QLD), $2150 + $279 Extended Warranty (JB Hi-Fi - Miranda, Sydney), $2200 + $250 for extra 4 year warranty (JB Hi-Fi - Highpoint), $2250 + $170 for extra 4 year warranty (Bing Lee - Hurstville, Sydney), $2250 with extra 4 year warranty (DSE - Macquarie Centre, Sydney)
KDL46W3100 - $2879 ( - Melbourne, VIC), $2900 (JB Hi-Fi - Sydney), 2915 (Myer Garden City - Perth)
KDL52W3100 - $2999 (Harvey Norman Rothwell, QLD); 3524 Ticketed Price (Sony Central World Square, Sydney)
D Series
KDL32D3100 - $1345 (Bing Lee - Carlingford, NSW), $1375 at Harvey Norman Gordon; $1350 (JB-HiFi MacGreggor, QLD); $1380 Myer Melbourne (matched price with Myer Eastland)
KDL40D3100 - $1669 ( - Melbourne, VIC), $1789 (DJ's), $1799 Ticketed Price (DSE PowerHouse - Nunawading), $1821 Ticketed Price (HN - Bondi Junction)
KDL46D3100 - $2449 ( - Melbourne, VIC), $2776 (Ticketed price at Sony Central, Sydney City)
V3100 Series
KDL32V3100 - $1395 (HN , Oxley)
KDL40V3100 - $1499 (Ticketed price at Sony Central, Sydney City), $1480 before $150 cashback 5 yr warranty $300 (Good Guys Shepparton Vic)
KDL46V3100 - $2199 (Ticketed price at Sony Central, Sydney City)
S Series
KDL32S3100 - $1288 (HN, Oxley) $1199 (Good Guys Oxley)
KDL37S3100 - $
V4000 Series
KDL40V4000 - $1988 (Catalogue Good Guys Vic until July 6)
W4000 Series
KDL40W4000 - $2298 (Catalogue Good Guys Vic until July 6), $2089 + $179 2yrs additional warranty (Radio Rentals, Adelaide)
Note: Sony CashBack offer $150 to $600 at authorised Sony dealer, must be purchased before 30 June 2008.
Sony Free PS3 by redemption offer valid for first 35,000 validated purchases between 1-31 July 2008. (
LA32S81BDX - $1249 (HN and GG Oxley)
LA40S81BDX - $
R8 Series
LA32R81BDX - $890 (Myer), $940 (BingLee - Rockdale, Sydney), $960 (HN Broadway, NSW beat Game On)
LA40R81BDX - $1275 (HN - McGraths Hill), $1350 (Myer Melbourne price matched Digital Centre)
M8 Series
LA40M81BDX - $1730 (GoodGuys - Cambelltown, Sydney, NSW), $1750 (Bing Lee - Carlingford, $1821 (Good Guys, Highpoint), $1749 (Digital Center, Melbourne)
LA46M81BDX - $2341 (ticketed price at HN Bondi Junction), $2279 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $2349 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)
LA52M81BDX - $2975 (after cashback, Digital Center Melbourne)
N8 Series
LA40N81BDX - $1495 (Myer), $1500 w/ free delivery (Bing Lee, Chatswood, NSW), $1640 + $119 Extra Warranty + Free Delivery (Clive Anthonys, Capalaba),
LA46N81BDX - $2099 (Myer Sydney CBD), $2489 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $2399 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)
F8 Series
LA40F81BDX - $2130 (Retravision - Hurstville, NSW), $2140 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $2380 (Good Guys Castle Hill NSW), $2399 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW),$2100 (Domayne - Auburn, NSW) + $200 extra 3 years warranty special offer on Samsung LCD TV, total 6 years warranty.
LA46F81BDX - $2349 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $2450 (JB Hi-Fi Chatswood NSW), $2700 (Myer Macquarie Centre Sydney), $2700 (Myer Liverpool NSW)
LA52F81BDX - $4398 plus $80 delivery to Sydney( - VIC), $4796 (Good Guys - Auburn, NSW), $4796 (HN - Perth)
Note: Samsung CashBack offer $150 to $300 on selected LCD TVs, up to $1000 CashBack if bundled with more Samsung products. (NOW OVER)
Series 4
LA26A450CID - $799 (HN Oxley), $979 (GG Oxley)
LA32A450CID - $999 thebargainhunter - samsung LA32A450 - MEL, $888 (HN Oxley)
LA37A450CID - $1349 (HN Oxley), $1239 with delivery and install: - VIC
LA40A450 - $1399 (VIC -,
Series 5
LA32A550PIF - $1165 (JB HiFi Osborne Park - Purchased 3) $1299 (R. T. Edwards Retravison Springwood) $1199 (HN Indooroopilly) $1388 (GG Oxley)
LA37A550PIF - $1869 (HN Oxley), $1669 (
LA40A550 - $1899 (,
Series 6
LA32A650AIF - $1478 (, $1399 (HN Indooroopilly) $1599 (GG Oxley) $1294 + $169 extra 2 year warranty (myer perth)
LA40A650AIF - $2298 incl del to Werribee and cc fee + blueray dvd by redemption (, $2300 (Myer Parramatta), $2350 (Bing Lee Bondi Junction), $2205 + $150 extra 2 year warranty (Myer Chatswood), $2186 (Radio Rentals, Adelaide)
LA46A650AIF - $2898 with free drop off and install in Melbourne (, $2900 (Myer Parramatta), $2975 (Myer Chatswood), $2587 (Myer Chadstone)
LA52A650AIF - $3580 inc. extra 2 year warranty (Retravision - Brighton, Melbourne)
Note: Samsung Series 4,5 and 6 now part of free Blu Ray Redemption direct with Samsung post purchase
LC32D33X = $1120 (Clive Peeters Norwest, Sydney)
LC32PD5X - $991 (Betta electrical - Gold Coast stores, sale catalogue.
LC32PD5 - $1289 (HN Oxley)
LC37PD5X - $1497 (HN Oxley)
LC42PD7X - $1560 (Good Guys - Castle Hill)
LC46PD7X - $2300 (Bing Lee); $1935 delivered (Retravision Parkdale VIC)
LC52PD7X - $3500 (JB Hi-Fi)
LC37D53X - $1669 (HN Oxley)
LC42D83X - $2550 (Bing Lee), $2600 (Clive Anthony Castle Hill)
LC46D83X - $3350 (Rick Hart O'Connor), $3395 (ticketed at HN O'Connor), $3185 (Apr '08, Clive Peters, Moorabbin VIC)
LC52D83X - $5100 (HN - Gold Coast)
26LC7D - $939 (HN Oxley)
32LBPDF - $1089 (Smart factory outlet, Helensvale QLD).
32LB98- $1147 (HN Oxley)
32LB9DF - $1399 (GG Oxley)
32LC7D - $898 (Good Guys - Osborne Park, WA)
37LC7D - $1499 (Bing Lee) $1495 (HN Oxley)
42LC7D - $1764 (Bing Lee) $1100 (myer marion)
42LB9DF - $1996 (JB Hi-fi catalogue) $1999 (Retravision, World Square, Sydney)
47LB9DF - $2400 (jb marion)
42LB2DE - $
47LB2DE- $2878 (clive Peters - Thomastown, Vic)
42LG60FD - $2049 incl delivery (
42LG61YD - $2699 (
47LG60FD - $2399 (JB Hi-Fi - Marion, SA)
47LG65YD - $3896 incl free del in Melb. ( - Melbourne)
32C2000A - $1099 (HN Oxley)
32C3000A - $1099 (Myer), $1149 (HN Oxley)
37A2000A - $1495 (HN Oxley)
37A3000A - $1299 (HN Oxley)
37C3000A - $1439 (Myer)
37X3000A - $1979 (Myer), $1799 (HN Oxley)
42X3000A - $2429 (Myer)
46X3000A - $2699 (Myer)
52X3000A - $
57X3000A - $
L37X01 - $
L42X01 - $1999 Advertised Price (Bing Lee)
TX-26LXD7A - $1095 (HN Oxley)
TX-26LXD70A - $1079 (Myer - Doncaster)
TX-32LXD70A - $1199 (Myer - Frankston), $1195 (HN Oxley)
TX-32LXD700A - $1245 (Bing Lee - Carlingford, NSW), $1460 (HN), $1499 (Myer), $1515 (Bing Lee - Fyshwick, ACT), $1595 (HN Oxley)
TX-32LZD800A - $1685 (HN Oxley)
TX-37LZD800 - $
TX-37LZD850 - $
32PFL7520D - $1199 (GG Oxley)
32PFL7532D - $1149 (HN Oxley)
32PFL9432D - $1395 (HN Loganholme), $1599 (GG Oxley)
42PFL9632D/79 - $2399 (Cash Myers Adelaide), $2550 Including Delivery (Good Guys - Pooraka, Adelaide, SA), $2550 (HN - Knox, Vic)
47PFL9632D/79 $3099 Including Delivery (Myer - Garden City, Perth)
__August 2008 releases:__
32PFL5403D - $1399 (RRP) $1188 (GG catalogue)
42PFL5603D - $2299 (RRP)
32PFL7403D - $1599.00 (RRP) $1399 (GG Lutwyche)
42PFL7403D - $2699.00 (RRP)
47PFL7403D - $3499.00 (RRP)
42PFL9703D - $3,299.00 (RRP) - $2700 (Harvey Norman, Preston, Vic)
47PFL9703D - $3,999.00 (RRP) - $3377 (HN Loganholme)
52PFL9703D - $5,299.00 (RRP)
42PG20D - $1199 Myer (ticketed), $1100 GG (Port Macquarie)
42PG60UD - $1250 Myer (including delivery), $1250 HN, $1250 JB Hi-Fi
50PG20D - $1699 (ticketed at Betta Electrical World Square Sydney)
50PG60UD - $1650 Myer, $1780 (+$220 4 year ext. warranty, Harvey Norman, City West, WA), $1870 Myer
50PG70FD - $2999
50PC1D - $
60PC1D - $ $3400 HN , $3400 GG Cannington
50PB2DR - $
50PY3DF - $
60PY3DF - $4400 HN WA , $4450 GoodGuys Cannington
PS42C91HDX - $1300 (JB Hi Fi Nunwading), $1339 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $1335 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)
PS50C91HDX - $1595 (Myer - Hurstville, Sydney), $1893 (Digital Centre - Melbourne) $1911 (Retravision - Joondalup, Perth)
PS42Q91HDX - $1489 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $1499 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW))
PS50Q91HDX - $1780
PS50P91FDX - $2,461 +$99 for 3 yr warranty (JB Hi-Fi Bondi Junction, Brendan the sales person), $2600 + $359 extended warranty + 41 delivery (Clive Anthonys Brisbane), $3061 including 5 Year Warranty (JB Hi-Fi), $3000 including 1 year extra warranty (3 Total) and delivery (Myer - Garden City, Perth)
PS58P91FDX - $4890 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $5800 (Good Guys - Sydney)
PS63P91FDX - $6490 (Digital Center, Melbourne), $7600 (Good Guys - Sydney)
4 Series
PS42A450 - $1519 @
5 Series
PS50A550 - $2699 ( ),
Note : Free 26" LCD TV offer ended Feb 29 2008
TH-42PZ700A - $1999 + $250 Extra 4 Year Warranty (HN - Armadale, WA), $2085 (JB Hi-Fi), $2250 (DSE Powerhouse)
TH-42PX70A - $999 (Dick Smith Chatswood NSW), $1,700 inc. 5yr Warranty (HN Knox, Melb)
TH-42PX7A - $900 (David Jones, Chatswood NSW), $1150 + $40 Delivery (Bing Lee - SkyGarden, Sydney), $1240 including delivery and Amex surcharge (Harvey Norman, Castle Hill), $1175 (Ticketed at Good Guys Alexandria)
TH-50PX70A - $1750 (JB Hi-Fi Toowoomba)
TH-50PZ700A - $2,499 (Clive Peeters July 08 Catalogue), $2850 Including 4 years extended warranty (Bing Lee)
TH-58PZ700A - $5399 Ticketed Price (Myer - North Ryde)
TH-65PZ700A - $10844 ( - Melbourne, VIC) $13500 inc free delivery (JB Hi-Fi - Bondi Junction, Sydney)
TH-42PX8A - $1170 Harvey Norman receipt
TH-42PX80A - $1350 Including Delivery + 3 Year Warranty (Myer - Chatswood, NSW), $1300 TV Only (Myer - Karrinyup WA)
TH-42PX800A $2140 (goodguys northland preston-Vic) Note :was on special for 1999 for a week
TH-50PX80A - $1531 Myer including delivery receipt , receipt , receipt
TH-46PZ800A - $2275 Clive Peters, $2,499 with 1,000 days interest free (HN - Mackay, Qld) $2500 + $399 4 year extended warranty + $40 delivery (Bing Lee, Alexandria, Sydney)
TH-50PZ800A - $2,600 (HN Greensborough), $2797 (Videopro catalogue July 08),
PDP-428XDA - $2100 (Myer - Toowoomba)
PDP-508XDA - $2637 (Clive Anthony - Mt Gravatt (30/04/08), $2996 JB Hi-Fi (throughout NSW)
PDP-LX508A - $4500 (Bing Lee - Chatswood, NSW, Sales person : Ryan)
PDP-LX608A - $7999 (Clive Peters, Ringwood, $8,999 (HN - Knox), $9,500(JB Hi-Fi - with purchase of 508xda as well), $9,100 (JB Hi-Fi Warringah Mall, Sydney)
P42H01 - $
P50H01 - $2185 (JB Hi-Fi - Adelaide)
P50X01 - $2897 (JB Hi-Fi - Adelaide) $2431 with 4 years ext wrty (HN - ACT)
P60X01 - $
50PF9631D/79 - ?
DP-P2 - $780.00 (GG Morayfield)
DP-P1 -
DP-S1 -
DP-H1 -
LiDiC -
TF7100HDPVRt - $647.50 (retravison Bundall)
TF7000HDPVRt -
TF7050HPPVRt -
HT8000PVR -
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