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on November 29, 2007 at 10:59:52 pm




XBR Series

KDL40XBR - $

KDL46XBR - $3800 (HN - Indroo, Sydney)

KDL52XBR - $

X Series

KDL40X3100 - $3050 + $330 5 Year Warranty (JB Hi-Fi, Chatswood NSW) 

KDL46X3100 - $3799 (Bing Lee, Rhodes Shopping Centre, NSW)

KDL52X3100 - $5175 (Bing Lee, Sydney)                 

W Series

KDL40W3100 - $

KDL46W3100 - $3,500 AV Central Magill Rd Stepney Adelaide

KDL52W3100 - $

D Series

KDL32D3100 - $

KDL40D3100 - $

KDL46D3100 - $

V3100 Series

KDL32V3100 - $

KDL40V3100 - $1699 (Sony Central, Sydney City)

KDL46V3100 - $

S Series

KDL32S3100 - $

KDL37S3100 - $



LA32S81BDX - $

LA40S81BDX - $

LA32R81BDX - $1170

LA40R81BDX - $1699 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)

M8 Series

LA40M81BDX - $2195 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)

LA46M81BDX - $3056

LA52M81BDX - $4600

N8 Series

LA40N81BDX - $1999 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)

LA46N81BDX - $

F8 Series

LA40F81BDX - $2699 (GameOn - Miranda, NSW)

LA46F81BDX - $3200 (Myer - Indooroopilly, Brisbane), $3399 + Free Delivery (Retravision - Rozelle, Sydney), $3350 (JB Hi-Fi, Perth), $3300 + free delivery (Myers Chatswood)

LA52F81BDX - $4950 (Good Guys), $5160 (Retravision)


Note : Free 19" LCD TV from Samsung on purchase of  40" or 46" N8/M8 OR 26" LCD TV on purchase of 52" M8/F8 or 46" F8 till Jan 15 2008



LC42PD7X - $

LC46PD7X - $2800 (Bing Lee)

LC52PD7X - $

LC42D83X - $

LC46D83X - $3999 (Bing Lee, Rockdale, NSW)

LC52D83X - $5100 (HN GC)



32LC7D - $1049 (Good Guys)

37LC7D - $1499 (Bing Lee)

42LC7D - $1764 (Bing Lee)

42LB9DF - $2400

47LB9DF - $

42LB2DE - $

47LB2DE - $



TX-26LXD70A - $

TX-32LXD70A - $1259 (Myer, Melbourne)

TX-32LXD700A - $





60PY3DF - $



PS42C91HDX - $1590 + $99 3yr warranty + $30 Delivery (Good Guys - Dandenong)

PS50C91HDX - $2331 (Digital Centre - Melbourne)

PS42Q91HDX - $1900 (Good Guys, Castle Hill NSW)

PS50Q91HDX - $

PS50P91FDX - $3000 including 1 year extra warranty (3 Total) and delivery (Myer - Garden city, Perth)

PS58P91FDX - $6250 (Good Guys), $6299 (http://shop.gameon.net.au)

PS63P71FDX - $7840



TH-42PZ700A - $2499 (Good Guys)

TH-42PX70A - $1899 (Betta Electrical, North Sydney, NSW)

TH-42PX7A - $1549 Advertised Price (Good Guys - Hoppers Crossing, Vic)

TH-50PX70A - $2600 + $300 4 Year Warranty (Dick Smith Powerhouse - Knox Vic)

TH-50PZ700A - $3281 (Digital Centre - Melbourne)

TH-58PZ700A - $6870 (http://www.theelectricdiscounter.com.au QLD)

TH-65PZ700A - $13500 inc free delivery (JB Hi-Fi - Bondi Junction)



PDP-427XDA - $

PDP-428XDA - $3999 (http://www.uslhomeentertainment.com.au)

PDP-507XDA - $

PDP-508XDA - $4640 (JB Hi-Fi - Ballarat Vic)

PDP-LX508A - $7200 (Myer and DJ's - 10% off Xmas special)

PDP-LX608A - $10,400 (HN - Joondalup) , $10,000 (Myer and DJ's - 10% off Xmas special)

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